Testimonials | The Black Fairy Godmother
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Thank you so much! You most definitely are a god send! I will never forget you or what you've done for my family. I really can't thank you enough for your help. I don't ever ask for help, but you really came through, and it means the world to me!

-- Michele

To those who thought of my family and helped us, I want to say thank you! Thank you for thinking of us in our time of need. I can sleep peacefully my children & I have somewhere to sleep. To Ms. Simone, thank you for your kind heart and swift call to action. There was no type of hesitation. They always say there are angels on earth and you all are true angels. My children and I truly appreciate this act of kindness. May God bless you!

-- AshleyMarie

Simone's work touches so many lives!

She was instrumental in helping a member of my community out of crisis and into hope.

Simone's compassionate vision is a beautiful example of what our world can be.

-- Dominique

What can I say, Ms. Simone has been a true angel for my grand babies and I. When we thought we were on the verge of loosing everything she came and secured us a home. She's a beautiful person inside and out and we can't thank her enough for everything she has made possible. Thank you

-- Lucia G

This lady right here , fairy godmother this women right here helped me n my 4 year old daughter have somewhere to Stay for 2 weeks , she also provided me with food in etc . Made sure I was good she helped me when I was really in need sleeping in the car so me in so many other's is grateful for so much she also going to help me get my unborn somethings she a real life blesssing in I love her for it all I promise

-- Alexis

This woman right here is an ANGEL!!! I was at my breaking point before I had my newborn and she helped me. I love that she's also helping single mothers out ther. Shes just the greatest woman ever. If it wasn't for Simone I would still be homeless with my two daughters. I'm forever grateful for her. She has saved my life.

-- Isabella

I was blessed with help getting into a home and car for my baby and I! I was also gifted many items to start me out in my new home... this was all raised within hours!!!! I can't tell you how amazing she is and how many people I've witnessed her help! It is such a blessing to have someone dedicated to helping others out in the ways in which she has helped us! I am just grateful and thankful.

-- Natalie

Ms. Simone A.K.A THE BLACK FAIRY GODMOTHER is a Godsend. She has blessed my family in so many ways. I'm a single mother of 7 & so thankful to have found her. She's the real deal, made it so easy to talk to her, gave great advice & never once did she judge me or my situation. I'm still trying to get things back to normal for my family & I. Once I do I would love to help others in any way possible! GOD BLESS YOU, YOUR FAMILY & YOUR TEAM BFG

-- Jamilah Brocks

I am extremely grateful for theblackfairygodmother!!! I couldn't rest after spending my last on rent. I had nowhere to turn for diapers and we were down to our last meals. GOD has blessed my family with Simone and I can take a deep breath. She sent diapers and wipes for my baby boy and baby girl and gave my family groceries. I was so hesitant to reach out and ask for help, but I needed it and I asked. I woke up the next morning and there were diapers, wipes, and food!!! She came through for my babies, my family, and me. This right here filled my heart with so much joy. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

-- Whitney Hawkins

I am a stay at home mom but my boyfriend workd, we have 3 little children we just recently moved into our own place and since jobs began to close down my boyfriend is considered an essential worker so he is still out working but his hours have been cut. It has been hard to cover all of our bills and still provide for our kids and of course we make the choice to but our kids pampers and wipes before we do anything else and we have to get has to get back and forth but I was told about fairy godmother and I asked for help which I usually would never do and she was able to get us groceries and both of my daughters beds and not to mention helped us pay our rent and electric bill we are so appreciate for everything you and the foundation was able to do for us without your help we would have been evicted and not able to feed our family you are a angel keep up the work you are doing We thank you fairy godmother

-- Dayquana

Simone helped me get a laptop so I can complete all of my college work on it. I am forever great full thank you so much.

-- Tiffany Davis

This woman right here is an absolute SAINT. She helped pull me out of some dark times, she was my blessing sent straight from god Thank you for helping my son and I raise the funds to find a new place! We will never forget you and I assure you I will make sure he knows who you are. You have no idea how tremendously I appreciate the work you do for not only me but for others. Thank god for people like you.

-- Natali V

Best Blessing This Woman Has Ever Helped Me Receive!!! Thank You So Much!! She Is A Miracle Worker!!

-- Ayon Amos

I'm So Thankful You Thought Of Me At The Right Time You Are Truly A Blessing I Hope One Day I Can Bless People in many ways like you do thank you again

-- Kathryn W.

This lady is amazing. She is doing amazing things. I was struggling to come up with rent money and with in less than an hour she covered three months. The world needs more people like her that are understanding and willing to help. God bless

-- Alicia Gonzalez

Simone Gordon "aka" theblackfairygodmother is a wonderful young lady, who opened up her heart to help me by raising funds to keep a roof over me and my child's head; and by providing food to keep us nourished through this Covid 19 pandemic. Simone and her team also made my Mother's Day the best I have ever had in years. Thank you to you Simone, and your team for making my life and other single women's lives a lot better.May you and your team continue to be blessed.

-- Michelle Walters

I would like to thank the black fairy godmother for helping my children and I . It's rare you find good people with pure hearts to help you without no hesitation and understands what you are going through . I truly know she's heaven sent and would always be grateful for what she's done for not only for my family but other families around the world ! We love you Simone and may God continue to bless you and keep you

-- Tia Grant

Thank you Simone Gordon/Black Fairy Godmother. I want to thank you so much for helping me. You listening to my situation as in being a single mother of 8 biological children, and raising 3 of my grand kids. Knowing that I have a bone marrow transplant coming my way. You are such a blessing, I thank god for you everyday. I just thank you so much. I can't thank you enough, my heart goes out to you, and may many blessings come your way.

-- Malisa Cleveland

I am a stay-at-homemom of one. My little one and I are always together. She follows me foot for foot around the house. I do chores and she sits by my feet. Having a washer at home was a Godsend. I became completely devastated when my washer died right before we were put on lockdown due to Covid-19. The thought of having to take my baby to an already possibly dirty place broke my heart. To keep my little one and I safe my hubby took on the task of doing laundry at the laundromat. As if going to the laundromat during such a crucial time was enough, the money that my husband took to do the laundry got swiped. I posted of our experience on social media just venting and not looking for charity or sympathy. An angel responded to my post offering to help and I had a brand new washer within 5 days. You are truly a Godsend. You may have just saved my family's life. May God bless you a hundredfold.

-- Shalonda Davis

I would really like to thank you for help and generosity it's most definitely appreciated god bless you

-- Paris Morrison

I truly felt like i had a fairy godmother each time Simone magically appeared when no one else would help me and my kids! What are the Odds of a stranger inboxing u telling u she got u and then mins later she really taking care of the problem... Its like she really had a wand in hand too lol... it dont get no better than that. My son has Nonverbal Autism... with a few other classic autism characteristics that make daily living chaotic at times but right when this pandemic hit ... we wasnt ready, with school out i was short on things cause i hadnt prepared for us to be home all day everyday... Snacks was getting low... pull up box was looking empty and i lost my ID and had a small check to cash to get these things but the state of Alabama closed all offices meaning i couldn't get a new ID .. Meaning i couldn't cash my check... meaning no snacks and pull ups ... meaning chaos on top of chaos tantrums that could lead to self harm and pain... Just like that our world stopped and then came my Fairy Black Godmother... and she was a autism mom just like me..that gave me hope. Now i know Supa heros are real. Thank u for everthing.

-- Rodgers Family

Words cannot express how I feel about this woman. When I thought it was all over and again I was at my weakest point in my life Simone came through for my daughter. My daughter is young she's pregnant and she has pregnancy diabetes. She already had a miscarriage and it was hard. So this pregnancy meant the world to her and I. We thought everything was working now baby shower was supposed to be April 18 we had no worries. Then coronavirus struck out world canceled the baby shower last money that we didn't have she worked so hard to have a baby shower. I reached out to Simone and she said don't you worry that's why I am here We will get through this together never heard of a virtual baby shower she and her flowers did so much for my daughter it's unbelievable. If you think there's not any more good people out here in the world she proves that there is still people out here who cares pick up yet we were like to thank you for everything that you've done for us and I assumed to be a little girl Bella. My heart is overjoyed If there is anything we can give back to help someone please let us know thank you

-- Shayla Gaines

All praises to the most high and to the Wonderful Black Fairy Godmother i didn't know if I was coming or going with being pregnant hours being cut loosing my apartment because i wasnt able to make ends meet,my world took a major shift..Ppl in this world are not as understanding when it comes to hardship when we all fall short at some point in time..BUT THERE ARE EARTHLY ANGELS IN THIS WORLD AND MISS SIMONE IS ONE A TOTAL STRANGER CAME IN AND BROUGHT LIGHT TO MY DARKNESS I HAVE BASICALLY REACHED MY GOAL HAVE BEEN APPROVED GOR AN APARTMENT WITHIN MY BUDGET AND NO MATTER IF MY HOURS ARE CUT AGAIN I WILL STILL BE ABLE TO AFFORD MY RENT THANK YOU SO MUCH MISS SIMONE FOR YOU KIND HEART AND UNDERSTANDING FOREVER GRATEFUL FOR YOU

-- ToniAlisha

Ive been going through a rough patch for awhile from not being able to do anything due to being high risk pregnant. Then having my son at 34 weeks, so its definitely been very rough financial times. Now we have this terrible covid 19 virus so it's really been an extra struggle as I cant go out nor can my preemie. I met Simone through a friend, and her kindness and heart is genuine. She has given us much more than we asked. Because of Simone my baby is good on diapers for hopefully quite some time. Thank you Simone for your kindness and generosity we greatly appreciate it. Sarah and baby Malikhi

-- Sarah

I, like a lot of families are currently struggling. Even more so during this pandemic. I haven't been able to work for the past 3 months and even with my husband working 6-7 days/week, we still depend on food banks to make ends meet for ourselves and 5 children. COVID-19 has touched our family personally so we must self quarantine. We're also faced with paying for medications (some we just can't afford and can't get) for our son. His asthma has been controlled and at bay for several years. We actually thought he'd "outgrown" it since he's been symptom free and hasn't needed medication during that time. In the past 5 weeks his "outgrown asthma" was severely exacerbated in the past month and landed him in the ER twice.

Facing the issues of having to self quarantine, losing the only income we have, medical bills and medications we can't afford, and dwindling food supplies, panic started to set in. I knew we needed some help but asking for it is difficult.

I was strongly encouraged by @jenpastiloff to ask for help. Jennifer Pastiloff and I became friends after she awarded me an Aleksander Fund scholarship. She posted a message on Instagram encouraging her followers to comment if we were dealing with food insecurity and for others to help if they could. She provided a guilt-free and nonjudgmental platform for those needing help to receive it. She encouraged me to speak up since she knew my situation. I did and the response was overwhelming. Several compassionate strangers were generous enough to send my family what they could to help. I'm still overwhelmed and in awe of their generosity.

One of her dear friends is Simone Gordon. She's famously known as The Black Fairy Godmother. I've been a follower, admirer, and supporter of the incredible work she does to assist families all over the country but I never dreamed my family would be on the receiving end of her generosity. After getting chastised by her for not asking her for help she gave us enough money to feed my family for at least 2 weeks. I honestly can't find the words. Thank you just isn't enough. What she does for people in some of their most dire circumstances is beyond commendable. I love her and I haven't even met her. She's life changing. She's life saving. She deserves a cape and an "S" on her chest. Simone is a Superwoman and a Saint.

-- Stephanie

Last week I posted a plea for a two-child baby stroller for a single Black mom. Destiny has a one-month baby girl, and an 18 month old boy, as well as a four year old toddler and a six year old daughter. I'd put a post on my neighborhood page, with zero response. This time it was different. Within minutes of my post Simone asked me to PM her. When I did, she told me she was sending money through her organization for Destiny and her children. "Let's make her day", Simone told me.

It took me a long time to stop crying.

Destiny and her children have a three person stroller now. With no car, the lack of a stroller was limiting and now having a three child one means she and the kids can get to places they need to go. The money Simone sent was able to prove basic necessities like diapers and food, but also nursing bras, shirts for Destiny, swaddling blankets, bottles, socks, bibs, and clothes for tiny Daphne. Even toys for her brothers and sisters.

Destiny was happy about all of these things, but she was also relieved. It's hard enough adjusting to being a new mom, without also being worried about not having the resources for your children's needs. Seeing the relief in her eyes meant so much. I told Destiny it was her Black Fairy Godmother who had provided the money for her and her children. In the two years since I met Destiny in my classroom, I'd never seen her cry. She cried then, though, and I cried with her. Destiny isn't alone, not by a long shot. She had a Black Fairy Godmother. I feel humbled by Simone's generosity and trust. And I am blessed beyond words to witness the sisterhood and love behind her actions.

Thank you, Simone.

-- Johanna Gillan

Hello im KATHLENE and my handsome son is Yoshua he is nonverbal Autistic young man who makes my light shine and I would like to thank Simone bka the black fairy godmother this is her calling amd and gift to help others

I meet her through Facebook and she has been a diamond in the sky. Days where i wanted to give up she mad days seem like a breeze so i wantypu to know thank you. I want to thank all of the godmothers that helped me reach that goal for help with being sick with neruosarcoidosis and help continue to fight this battle and thanks to you all i can conplete this portions...

-- Kathlene and Yaya

Simone, you are an Angel. I have followed the author of Eat, Prey, Love .. for years, and she shared your page and from there I would read the stories and testimony's if others, not knowing that I would ever be one to ask. And I did have to ask. Simone shared my story, and via her and her platform provided coats, Christmas presents, car repair and groceries for me in a matter of moments. I could never repay her kindness, but I can definitely let her know and the world know that she is doing amazing things. She is just one powerful force despite her own circumstances . I hope that she is given more resources, support, and as much attention that she can handle.

-- LaDonna L

My husband had a brain aneurysm right after our daughter was born and we lost everything. As I struggled to get him better and us out of a hotel, I crossed paths with Simone. I had just lost my mother and needed a strong woman to help me. She literally saved our lives. Simone has paid my rent, bought my kids uniforms and supplies and even made Christmas when I was sure we wouldn't have one that year. If it wasn't for her I would've missed a lot of meals and would have been evicted by now. She's the most amazing, intelligent, loving person I know. She deserves all the positive energy and love the universe has to offer.

-- Storm Rice-decay

Thank you So Much For All Your Help Your Truly Heaben

-- Chandler Henderson

This women. Words can't express how much she is a blessing too my family. I've been separated from my husband and I've been struggling in my house hold and when I need her the most she always come through with funds for food, clothes, help with bills and whatever else I need. She isn't just a blessing she's an amazing friend I can talk too her about anything and not be judged. I admire her as a mother her son is blessed too have someone so loving and caring. Today she contacted me and asked me if I needed food because of the virus I was embarrassed but I needed the help. She and her donors sent me $300.00 too spend for my family I couldn't do anything but keep thanking her. She is truly god sent. I love u girl .

-- Jacquelan carlisle

My name is Virginia Herbach & I have three boys with Autism & two are non verbal! The only benefits they receive is Social Security & the rest is up to dad & I! My hubby was out of work for a whole year & one day I got to the breaking point when I had no food or money to feed my boys! I contacted Autism Organizations looking for help but nooney in their budget! Food pantries were not giving out meat or anything my boys would eat since they have sensory issues!

No Family Or Friends to turn to for help!

I asked God what do I do now? I'm tired of explaining in detail my situation & they still don't get it! Who would understand me?

I've been following Simone Gordon for awhile now & we are in other Autism mom Facebook groups but never met each other!

I've witnessed her miracles that she has done for people through posts! I decided to message her since I know I wouldn't have to go into deep details with her since she lives the same Autism life I live!

It was the best decision of my life! Simone Gordon was a true Angel & blessing for my family & I! Not only did she tell me to make a list it was delivered in an hour & money was donated to my PayPal just in case it was enough to hold me over until next paycheck!

I literally starting crying thanking her & God for bringing me a black fairy godmother! I still haven't met her in person but hopefully one day I can give her an Autism Mom bear hug! We wouldn't have made it without her! I'm truly grateful & appreciate her & the work that she does!

Since then she has continued to help us out when we host fundraiser for events at my boys Autism school! She actually inspired me to do fundraiser & events by just watching what she does for people!

Thank You God for putting Simone Gordon in my family path & Thank You Simone Gordon! Your awesome & can't wait for the day to thank you in person! I will never forget what you did for my family & I & also for your continued support even on your bad or rough days you still have that beautiful smile & encouraging people along the way & no matter what happens you don't let nothing get in the way of your missions of helping people!

Your truly one in a million & my family & I wish you many blessings throughout your life journey! You will always hold a special place in our hearts!

-- Virginia Herbach

Simone is truly amazing she as well as her son deserves the moon and back I will forever be grateful for what she has done for me and my children from diapers to food to 2 months rent. My entire tax refund was garnished this morning I reached out to her with tears in my eyes I could barely talk within a hour she was able erase my tears and replace it with a smile!! I LOVE YOU BLACK FAIRY GODMOTHER

-- Almina

What this woman deserves is beyond what the world can offer, Simone is such a beautiful soul. When I thought I didn't have a way out she was there to make it happen, she's helped me out twice from stopping my eviction to diapers, formula & groceries. When I fell to my lowest she was there to pick me up, I will always be thankful for what she has done not only for me but for all the women who have at some point struggled and have been uplifted by the BFG. In a day she has made things possible for me, you know the power it takes to make something like this happen? Her following is just as amazing for all the support they give her and the help they offer. I hope this group continues to bless women in need and may Ms. Simone be blessed with all her dreams come true and with a long healthy, strong life. Thank you

-- Vivian

I can't say enough about Simone. This woman is a Godsend! I honestly don't know how she does it all and I truly admire her. She's helped me quite a few times. From as small as a few dollars for my phone bill to ask big as the security deposit I needed to move into my house. I even reached out to her to help my daughter with her utility bills when services were cut off and Simone made it happen in a couple hours. Everyone should have a fairy godmother. I'm so glad we crossed paths and pray her blessings are returned tenfold

-- Teresa

I fell on hard times about a month ago and couldn't afford to pay my school registration fees which means I could not register for classes. A friend told me about the fairy godmother who helps low income mothers such as myself. After reaching out the fairy godmother agreed to help me. What she has taught me is every single mother is in a unique situation but with the support of other mothers we can uplift each other.

-- Nellz Buckner

Hi! I'm Natalie, a single mother in Arkansas. I reached out to her because I had very few resources and didn't have a stroller for my newborn. I asked for help with a stroller/car seat combo and within 2 days, it was there! And she also send me 2 cases of pampers, a huge case of wipes, and breast milk storage bags because she knew I needed the help! I'm so thankful because we are set for a while now because of her! Thank you so much for your help and assistance!

-- Natalie Calhoun

Thank you so much miss Simone!! It was really really hard for me to see my best friend going through so much and knew that I had to do whatever I could to help her since the reality of her situation is that she couldn't make her rent and was at a point where she was facing eviction so she was at her last resort which was to ask me and my family for help. It was crazy I made sure everything was on point wit the PayPal pool then took a lil nap next thing I know when I woke up I reached my goal! I was sooooo amazed at the power of the love that I felt from the people who donating I just wanna say I appreciate all of them so much.

-- Esteban Covarrubias

Simone is a true blessing She rallied her team to raise $1500 which allowed me to move into a sublet apartment after 2 months of bouncing around from Airbnb's and Hotels and continue to live my life in Atlanta The opportunities for people with disabilities are limited but people like Simone make things possible thank you so much for everything I hope to become a future donor and to those going through right now please stay strong you can and will make it God bless

-- Tevin Cherry

I really appreciate having opportunities for direct giving through Simone. She is a tireless advocate for women and children, with a drive to help folks out of tough circumstances so that they can thrive. I'm so grateful to her for the work she is doing!

-- Karen

I found Simone after Liz Gilbert posted about her on her IG page. It has been breathtaking to watch her page flourish and to see what gets done - day in and day out. I can't always contribute what I'd love to, but it is certainly rewarding to contribute when I can.

I stand in awe of her. She is remarkable.

-- Maggie Pinque

Truly, this woman is amazing and she helps connect people. I started following her through a recommendation of a friend. I have always tried to help people as much as I can, but her work makes it easy to directly impact lives in a positive way. You get to know that 100% of your money is helping someone get a leg up. In America sometimes the line between being safe and being homeless is razor thin- $200 can be the difference between making rent and being homeless. It's terrifying and sad. I appreciate being connected with people who need help because it breaks my heart to know our government offers nothing. Community giving is the best way to elevate people and show love. What ople who need help because it breaks my heart to know our government offers nothing. Community giving is the best way to elevate people and show love.

-- Ellen

Oh, my goodness, Simone is such a miracle worker, and deserving of miracles herself. She is love and light and a giver of 10000%. I'm so proud to be connected to her and know her on any level and hope one day to meet her in real life. It's an honor to help her help her community. She deserves all the accolades and lord knows, ALL THE REST. lol - not that she would allow herself rest. Nothing but love.

-- Aliza Worthington

Simone is not only a living FairyGodmother - she is a true Earth-Angel! I'm a young woman out of California and was blessed to find Simone in a dire time of need. She and her army helped me when I was without a job and short on rent, facing eviction. Simone not only responded within the SAME DAY - but also helped me meet goal in LESS than 24 hours. I continue to watch Simone work diligently in helping families out daily - and it is such an inspiration. I thank God that she was able to stand in the gap for me when family and friends were unavailable. Words cannot express my gratitude towards her and her mission. There is absolutely a special place in heaven for her. Thank you again, Simone!

-- Cherai

This woman is an angel on Earth. She has helped myself and sister not be homeless and care for a total of 5 childen. She has made our Christmas special because it has been hard on our family. She gives even when she is need. I love her so much and appreciate her from the bottom of my heart and soul.

-- Danyale Odom

Simone is a real life angel and fairy godmother. I'm. Single mom from California with a 1 year old who was on the brink of getting my car repossessed and Simone was blue to rise enough to catch up on my payments within a week. I don't know how to th l her other than to work my butt off so that I am able to help others in the future.

-- Victoria

What can I say about Simone that wasn't in the article? She really is a black Fairy Godmother. I always tell her she is a saint and I love her like family because in times when I needed her most she was the only one that was there for me. I met Simone when I was in a dark place, pregnant and scared. She pulled up in my inbox and changed that. When my son was born he was good and didn't need anything till he was like 5 months. That's why she is the most selfless person I know she makes sure you are good in the moment and with wiggle room to get on your feet. Simone has not only been there financially she has helped me emotionally as well she will randomly message me to see how I'm doing and my children. She'll give me a pep talk when I need it and she'll give me a stern talking to when I am at my lowest to build me back up and help me "fix my crown" She is truly phenomenal and I don't think she understands the hope she restores in many lives because she is so humble it's like second nature to her to wanna help. She makes me want to do better as a mom and just overall as a person.

-- Latoya

Simone is the real deal! She is an angel, for sure. I was referred to her through a mutual friend because I am desperately needing help. I have been out of work for about a month now and was just sure that I was going to be sitting outside because I couldn't pay February's rent. She intervened and got the wheels turning very quickly for me, and thanks to her I will have a roof over my head for another month.

-- Ash

Simone is a breath of fresh. Her work is truly needed and appreciated. I appreciate her deeply.

-- Chautalee Brown

My name is Christina and I live in Tucson, AZ. Simone has clearly helped so many women in need. I first heard about her when I was about to have my electricity shut off, a woman on Facebook gave me her Instagram handle. She and her team helped me with electricity and shortly after helped me with food, diapers, wipes and other personal hygiene items for myself and my baby. Simone will forever be considered by me as an angel on earth and she gave me hope for the future.

-- Christina Rodriguez

I'm jasmine I'm in arizona I have 2 kids 1-1/2yrs & 8yrs. Simone assisted with groceries in my home. My cabinet & fridge were basically bare, she was Able to get groceries in my home same day. I was shocked it was so quick. To top it off I was surprised by the addition of diapers fory baby. I cannot express how truely grateful I am. I will be grateful every single day of my life for the generosity & time she took out of her precious time to help me. You are an angel in disguise & such a beautiful blessing. Thank you so so much.

-- Jasmine

Simone blessed me and my mother as well as our children. We have been staying in a hotel for weeks, my mother has late stage cancer and I moved back home due to a domestic violence situation. She raised $1000 to help us pay for our hotel and relieve some of the stress.

-- Haylie

I am a 23 year old single mother. If it wasn't for Ms. Gordon, me and my 1 year old would be homeless right now. Not only did she save me and my child from being evicted (not even 48 hours after I reached out I might add), she even sent a huge case of diapers and wipes for my baby. Something totally unexpected and majorly grateful for. I honestly don't know what I would have done without Ms. Gordon and I am forever grateful for her and her platform.

-- Naii

Ms. Simone has been amazing to me and my kids. She's saved us countless times and the dim world just that much brighter. Fairy godmother indeed. The work she does for us women, the example she sets, it moves you in a way like no other. It gives you hope.

-- Leigha

Simone has been such a sweetheart and empowering individual. Me and my son lost almost everything in our apartment due to a sewage issue and she was able to make it happen to recover almost everything we lost! I never knew such a heart existed but I'm glad to say I know her!!! She deserves the world!

-- Trish S

hi, my name is Rebecca I,m form louisianna. ms simone is an angel and my fairy god mother. I ,m so thankful to her for all of her help . no matter what my needs are she alls helps me and my 3 grands. we are so bleesed to have her. I have never mete her I just know that she sent from heaven . I thank the lord for her help . she is truly a blessing to many of us. ms simone is a one of a kind person ,may the lord take her and her helpers all over the world with great blessing to come . thank you so much ms. simone

-- rebecca furlow

I am a single disabled mother of 2, when I first met Ms. Simone I was in the hospital and my kids were home with no food and we were already struggling to make ends meet. Before I was discharged Simone had gotten groceries delivered and helped pay a bill that had been looming. She is truly an Angel on Earth and I am thankful for having met her. Her and her team are amazing. The work she does is so desperately needed.

-- Erica

Simone has single handedly saved my life. I am a single mom and a disabled survivor of gender based violence. My story is far from over as I'm still drowning in debt from fleeing abuse, living in substandard housing and fighting for my good health back. I'm truly at a loss for words in trying to describe the light Simone has brought back into my life and my two babies' lives. Simone steps in when the government agencies turn a blind eye on our suffering. I can honestly say I wouldn't be here if I hadn't met her. Thank you just doesn't cut it but I'm deeply grateful for every single thing she has done for my family.

-- Cynthia

Hello my name is Jasmine Williams I'm 29 years old and a mother of one 11 year old daughter. My daughter has been bullied since the 3rd grade and transferred twice. A week ago my daughter was made fun of because her uniform had holes and sweats stains underarm area. My daughter broke down and it hurt my soul because I felt helpless because I couldn't get her the things she needed. I haven't worked in almost two years due to health reason and have no income. I made a post asking for help in a group on fb and someone reached out and told me about the fairy black Godmother. When I first learned of this amazing woman Simone I was like no this can't be real this got to be a scam. I was skeptical about reaching out. It took me a few days to actually do it and when I say I pray and thank God I did because she is a true blessing for me and my baby girl. When She reached out she asked what is it that you need love. She then say create a registry and send it to me. The next day I checked it and so much stuff have been bought for my baby girl I cried like a baby because Im so happy. She even got a bike something she has been asking for for a few years. I showed my daughter and when I saw tears I cried again we are so thankful for you Simone and every one that helped make this happen for us. I can't say thank you enough Simone you are an amazing woman and heaven sent.

-- Jasmine Williams

She deserves everything she wants!!! Without this woman I don't know where me and my kids would be! I am a young single mother of 3 , one with complex congenital heart disease. She has helped feed us she has kept my lights on she has provided every diaper and wipe every bottle of pediasure, has made sure I have been able to make it to every appointment and every unexpected hospital stay !! She is truly my angel and my black fairy Godmother!!! I saw no hope when I went online about two years ago in a very toxic abusive relationship that left me with nothing I asked for help to get formula for the twins and she showed up and has stuck by me ever since and helped me with anything she could which was everything I needed!!!! I could never thank her enough I could never show her how grateful and thankful she has made me. A complete stranger changed my life!!! I know I would not be where I am today or able to handle everything life throws at me without her. She deserves all the recognition and respect and whatever she desires in this world. I have never met a purer heart.

-- Elizabeth Odeh

Simone is an undeniable force of nature and a true agent of change. I've been following her leadership with her direct giving and support efforts for over a year and it's been a transformative experience. She's not just a Fairy Godmother, she's an angel.

Follow her. Participate in her support efforts. Support her by giving back to her.

-- Kathryn

SImone is truly amazing. She works tirelessly to make miracles happen for families. And she does it while working so hard to take care of her son and herself. I feel grateful to be able to contribute to her work.( Periodically I ask my friends if they want to help with certain needs, and they also are so grateful to be asked.)

-- Pauline Boyce

Thank you for bringing to light the work of this amazing human. She makes it effortless to gather funds and get them in the the hands of those who need them most. By following her we have the opportunity to make a true difference by connecting those who need with those who have. Watching miracles every week!

-- Shannon Loucks

I have known Simone for several years. Her focus is unique and visionary. I'm proud to know her and so happy she was profiled here. She deserves all the attention and support for her work. If you have what it takes, get involved w/Black Fairy Godmother and let her guide your giving toward a better world for mothers and children.

-- Claire Ramsey

Hi My Name Tysha . I'm 24 & A Single Mother Of 2 When I Meet Miss Simone My Lights Where Getting Cut Off & I Had No Food To Eat . Before The Night Was Over Our Lights Where Still On Had A Refrigerator & Cabinet's Full Of Food & For That I will always Be Thankful For Her . She Is A Angel On earth

-- Tysha ' (Tee )

Thank you so much for profiling Simone Gordon aka The Black Fairy Godmother! I highly recommend that your readers not only follow her on Instagram and donate but also that they share the needs on their own social media. I share 2 or 3 times a week on my Facebook timeline and my friends thank me for giving them the opportunity to directly and immediately help people in need. Don't be shy - share!

-- Felicia B Gershberg

Hello my name is Shawnetta and I'm 29 years and a single mother of 2 kid's, when I met Ms. Simone I was leaving an abusive relationship with no money, no food, and no where to go. I had reached out in this public group if anyone had resources on shelters and it went from there Simone reached out to me the next morning me and my kids were in a hotel, from the hotel, to a friend's house who turned out to not to be a friend and then to the shelter, the whole way Ms Simone was there helping me, supporting me, pushing me when I was close to giving up then I got a call that would change our lives that I got approved for a place, Ms Simone only question was how much is it and within an hour she had my deposit and first months rent and groceries delivered our 1st night there. Ms Simone is more than a God mother she's an angel and I'm just so thankful for her coming into.me andmy children's lives.

-- Shawnetta

I've had the immense privilege of being able to provide assistance to women and families thanks to Simone's tireless advocacy. The transparency of her process and the size of her heart are second to none. She is a perfect example of the fact that an individual with a powerful vision can make a real difference in the world.

-- Joan Rogers

Hello my name is georgina Evans I'm a single mother of 6 I thank God for Mrs Simone I really do I appreciate everything she ever done for me and my family by two years ago I didn't know what I was going to do in and out of cps system family turn there backs on me cuz they said I wasn't trying hard enough even when I was it was many days and nights I have cried asking my self y so when I became part of Mrs Simone group I thought it was a scam God bless me with an angel who always is there for me threw the good and bad times she listens or read anything I send to here she encourages me to keep going even when I feel like I'm at a stand still I can go on and on about Mrs Simone congratulations hunny on your journey like u tell me just every day DONT LET NO ONE STOP U U HAVE TO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF U GOT THIS AND NOW FROM GEORGINA TO MRS SIMONE DONT LET ANYONE STOP U THSNK U FROM GIVING ME A SECOND CHANCE AT BEING A MOMMY

-- Georgina Evans

Simone is truly a god sent angel! She's helped my family ever since my youngest was 1 and was diagnosed with epilepsy. It's a struggle for us and we couldn't thank her enough!

-- Krystle

Simone is a Angel she save me & a cousin from getting abused i thank her from the bottom of my heart!!!

-- Angela